Report from 12.05 Internal Assembly

Over 200+ leaders from 32 institutions attended the Wake County Sponsors internal assembly last Thursday night at Common Thread Church (formerly North Raleigh Community Church). 

Leaders reported the completion of listening sessions that engaged over 1,000 additional people since the October 29 Internal Assembly. In total, the listening session campaign has engaged 3,197 people from diverse communities to identify the top pressures facing families across the county. Those in attendance unanimously agreed to select one priority per every 1,000 people involved in listening sessions. 

Leadership teams from all institutions present then voted to prioritize one additional concern for research and action: Living Wages / Access to Quality Jobs. Education and Affordable Housing were selected as organizing priorities at the previous internal assembly on October 29. 

Finally, all institutions present voted for the permanent, legal name of the organization: ONE Wake!

Next Steps

Leaders pledged to take the following actions at the conclusion of the meeting: 

1) Deliver 90 leaders to attend training on Saturday, January 18 to learn how to develop effective issue campaigns to address our priority concerns. 

It was clarified that this training is aimed at equipping members of participating institutions with the roles they need to translate the three initial priorities into actionable, winnable grassroots issue campaigns. 

2) Turn out 116 leaders to attend a Countywide Leaders meeting on Thursday, January 30. 

During this meeting the Countywide Leader’s Caucus will be divided into three teams (one for each of the three priorities) and will work with the help of organizers to develop clear and shared next steps. 

Please review your institution's pledges via the attached pledge form here.

Upcoming Events

How to Organize Effective Issue Campaigns
Saturday, January 18, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Common Thread Church (formerly North Raleigh Community Church)
1417 Clifton St, Raleigh
Confirm your attendance here

ONE Wake Countywide Leaders Meeting
Thursday, January 30, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Common Thread Church (formerly North Raleigh Community Church)
417 Clifton St, Raleigh
Confirm your attendance here


Contact us at [email protected]