ONE Wake in the News
Downtown South Update
Relational Voter Turnout Campaign Reaches 12,000+
Internal Assembly 11/24
ONE Wake in the News
Downtown South Update
The City of Raleigh Planning Commission has completed three planned hearings on the rezoning application for Kane Realty's Downtown South Project. Though the Commission has until January 11 to make a recommendation to the City Council, we believe that this will happen by early December, and that the Council could make a final decision before the end of the year.
If the City of Raleigh approves Kane Realty’s rezoning request, Downtown South will become the largest single-planned development in Raleigh’s history. And if the rezoning is approved, Kane Realty would have the right to build 40-story buildings on much of the land under consideration, which would cause the value of the property to skyrocket overnight.
This rezoning represents a massive public investment in Kane's private development. If Raleigh taxpayers are being asked to invest in the development, our argument is that they should be treated like investors by both Kane Realty and the Raleigh City Council.
The first step is for Kane Realty to prepare a pro-forma for the citizens of Raleigh showing how our public investment in the rezoning of Downtown South will deliver tangible benefits like significant stormwater protections, affordable housing, living wage jobs, and investment in Minority and Woman-owned Business Enterprises. Critically, these benefits need to be drawn up in a legally-binding agreement prior to the rezoning, after which the public loses most of our leverage in shaping what happens with Downtown South.
During our Internal Assembly on November 24 (see below) ONE Wake leaders will propose an action ("the Downtown South Subsidy Tour") that will help us decide whether or not we should support a public investment in Downtown South.
Relational Voter Turnout Campaign Reaches 12,000+
266 ONE Wake leaders contacted over 12,000 potential voters across during our non-partisan relational voter turnout campaign. Together we contributed to Wake County's record-setting voter turnout, and we developed skills that will allow us to be even more effective in getting out the vote in future elections.
This was an impressive first effort for our young organization. We will debrief the campaign at our upcoming Internal Assembly on 11/24.
Internal Assembly
Tuesday, November 24, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Please register in advance here
Join ONE Wake leaders from across Wake County for our final (!) internal assembly of 2020.
During our internal assembly, we will:
- Evaluate our public launch and debrief our relational voter turnout campaign;
- Ratify the Downtown South Subsidy Tour action;
- Plan the launch of our education listening campaign and next steps on affordable housing.
All ONE Wake member institutions are asked to deliver 5-10 members of their Core Team.
Contact us at [email protected]
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