Close to 150 leaders from 24 institutions across Wake County attended our leaders meeting on September 6 at Martin St Baptist Church in Raleigh.
Leaders reported that they held 790 relational meetings within their institutions over the course of the summer. These meetings are part of our shared goal to strengthen the bonds of trust, reciprocity and accountability among leaders participating in this effort (see here for more information about relational meetings).
To further this goal, Wake County leaders agreed to participate in a second phase of relational meetings across institutions. Leaders pledged to deliver 497 of their members to attend relational meeting events between their institutions by December 1. To this end diverse institutions have been clustered together across divides of race, faith, and geography.
The agreement is that leaders of the clustered institutions will create a plan to meet in fellowship, thinking creatively about ways in which a team of 20-50 leaders from each institution might relate to each other. For example, leaders of these clustered institutions can plan a shared meal, a worship service, or theological discussion. The structure is a two hour event, with enough time for participants to share two, thirty minute long relational meetings with members from different institutions.
In addition to the two meetings that will take place at the shared event, it was agreed that each participant would schedule at least two additional relational meetings to be held at a later date.
Please follow the link below to review your cluster, the contact person for your institution, and the pledged number of participants from your institution. This spreadsheet reflects the information that was given at the Sept. 6 meeting.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. See pictures from the event here.
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