For the last 6 months ONE Wake member institutions have been very active supporting the families that live in the Wellington Park mobile home community. We are reaching a critical moment in this campaign and need your support.
As you might know the park owner has decided to close the park effective January 15 of next year. The closing of the park will force the displacements of the many families that call Wellington Park their home. The owner is under contract to sell the park to a developer which is seeking approval from the Town of Wake Forest to re-zone the current use of the park.
After careful evaluation of all their options, the residents of the park have agreed not to fight the proposed re-zoning and have instead negotiated a pre-agreement with the developer that includes at least $250,000 to be divided among all families. They are also looking into the possibility that families can stay in the park a little longer to avoid the challenge of moving the trailers in the winter.
Park residents are asking us to join them on September 7th as they ask Town Commissioners for additional help with their relocation expenses. In light of COVID-19, we are proposing an action that is primarily outdoors. We will also have a small team indoors to make public comment.
Please join us in support for our Wake Forest neighbors as they organize resources needed to help them reduce the impact of the closing of the park.
Please DO:
- Show up at 5:00 pm at the Wake Forest Town Hall next Tuesday (9/7);
- Wear a mask to prevent spreading of the Delta variant;
- Bring materials to make a sign in support of residents.
Please DON'T:
- Sign up to speak. We will have a small team prepared to give public comment. Too many speakers leads to confusion and dilutes our message;
- Show up to oppose the rezoning. Residents have made the difficult decision to support the rezoning. If the rezoning is defeated, residents will not receive any compensation from the current developer, and they will have to leave anyway;
- Turn out if you have any symptoms of COVID-19.
Questions? Email us at [email protected]
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