On November 5, 2024, residents of Cary will have the opportunity to vote on a $30 million Affordable Housing Bond. If the bond is approved, it will fund housing initiatives designed to support lower-income residents in Cary, including: creation of new affordable housing; preservation of existing affordable housing; funding for residents experiencing a financial hardship (including the Stable Homes Cary initiative); and support for local non-profits working in the affordable housing sector. More information about the bond is available here.
This is the Town's FIRST EVER affordable housing bond, and a major step forward for ONE Wake's grassroots agenda in Cary! All ONE Wake institutions in Cary are encouraged to send members to attend one or more of the affordable housing bond info sessions listed below which will be coordinated by ONE Wake, and will feature presentations by Town of Cary staff.
Upcoming Housing Bond Info Sessions
Bond Info Session
White Plains UMC, Cary, NCBond Info Session
Pleasant Grove Church, Cary, NCDo you like this page?