We are excited to announce the Friends of ONE Wake Campaign - thanks to a generous donor, every recurring dollar donated to ONE Wake will be matched (up to $100,000). ONE Wake's goal is to recruit 100 donors this fall with an average investment of $25 per month. 

Proceeds from this campaign will be used to hire new part time or full time organizing staff in 2024 to expand on ONE Wake's track record of success (see recent accomplishments here).

This campaign will have two parts: Giving Tuesday, and an End of Year Appeal. The toolkit below represents tools for Giving Tuesday and will be updated on Dec 1. Please contact ONE Wake lead organizer Devin Ross at [email protected] for a list of members of your institution who have been active with ONE Wake this year.

Recurring Donor Campaign Toolkit

Case for Support

Recurring Donor Campaign Timeline

Sample Giving Tuesday Bulletin Announcement

Sample Donor Solicitation Email

Link to Donate: donate.onewake.org