May 25, 2021 at 7:00pm
1 hr 30 mins
Please Register in Advance via this Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82733617630?pwd=RWVqNURnVzM3UTNnR0VIR0tQcGZZUT09
Subjects Covered: Relational Voter Turnout and GOTV
IAF UNIVERSITY is a way for you to act on your values with allies from ONE Wake’s 43 member institutions across Wake County. It is a three month commitment of 2 hours a month that includes training and doing.
At the monthly trainings there will be concrete next steps to build people power and to take action (virtually) with others-- on existing ONE Wake issue campaigns. All this will prepare us collectively for larger-scale work to effect change within multiple towns and cities across the county during the upcoming fall municipal elections.
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