Rising Utility Cost Research Action Team
Wednesday, September 13, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
IN PERSON: Macedonia UMC, 2700 Jones Franklin Rd, Cary
VIRTUAL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88547096476?pwd=RWNYZlZGLzlVV001Qm16VTgxZWpJQT09
Join ONE Wake leaders for the first meeting of the Rising Utility Cost Research Action Team (you can learn more about Research Action Teams here). This is a hybrid meeting with in-person and virtual options to join.
The purpose of this meeting is:
1) orientation to ONE Wake's Research Action Teams;
2) review of the opportunities available to ONE Wake to address rising utility costs, which are exacerbating rising housing costs in Wake County, and increasing the threat of displacement of low and moderate income homeowners and renters in our communities.
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