Calling all residents of Holly Springs! Please consider taking action today to support the development of 124 units of affordable housing in your community at 1317 N Main St, part of a 20 acre parcel of county owned land immediately north of Ting Park.
ONE Wake has publicly pledged to support the development of affordable housing on this site, along with 10 other county owned parcels across Wake County.
Follow this link to send a customizable form email to the Holly Springs Town Council. All messages received will be recorded as public comment for the upcoming Council meeting Tuesday and entered into the public record.
***This action is for Holly Springs residents only***
What's at Stake
The project will consist of 124 units all below 60% AMI, with 26 units at 50% AMI or less and 8 units at 40% AMI or less. If approved the affordable housing will be developed by DHIC. See the site plan for the development here.
In order for affordable housing to be constructed on this site the Holly Springs Town Council must first approve a necessary rezoning to allow the construction of higher density multifamily housing than what is currently allowed.
Context for Action
The Town Council will hold a public hearing on this rezoning request this coming Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM (download agenda here). Already the Town has received emails from residents opposing the proposed affordable housing development. At the meeting Tuesday, the Town Clerk will read out how many comments they have received FOR and AGAINST the rezoning.
In order for this development to move forward, we need YOU to speak out in favor of this rezoning and for more affordable housing in your community.
How to Take Action
If you are a Holly Springs resident, please consider taking action today!
Follow this link to send an email to the Holly Springs Town Council. This email will be received as public comment and will be entered into the public record.
***We are asking that only Holly Springs residents take action on this issue to avoid giving the impression of outside interests interfering in the Town's affairs***
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]
Imagine a beautiful new development like this in Holly Springs!
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